Hereby we inform you about your right of revocation in conjuction with our contract in common. This right of revocation, which has to be read and confirmed by you by sending your registration for one of my services, is part of our contract.
What are Online-Services?
The german "Fernabsatzrecht" distinguishes between physical goods, services or digital content. Digital contents are for example Downloads.
Servicecontracts are, according to Art. 2 Nr. 6 of the VRRL, contracts not for buying physical goods but contracts were the service-person or company is offering and delivering certain services on demand of the buyer and contract-partner, of which the user is paying any negotiated price for.
Examples of these services are reparation services of any kind, Online-courses or the use of single-portals.
Approval of termination of revocation-rights
In these services mentioned above, the right of revocation vanishes as soon as the service-partner has fully delivered his service and/or the user has in advance declared his approval under binding law before accepting the beginning of service or before end of revocation period.
If the user is revocing his contract before end of fully completion of the service in question, e.g. in time when his right not yet had ended, the user/contractpartner still is in charge of paying the parts of services that had been delivered until the day/hour of cancellation - if in advance he bindingly had demanded his servicepartner to begin the services before ending of revocation period, and secondly has been fully informed about his right of revocation in advance before demanding the services.
No nessesary fullfilling of contracts no more of both contract-partners
Since 2014-06-13 it is not nessesary that the contract has been perfectly fullfilled by the user/contract-partner to be revoced.
The BGB-law in §356 Abs. 4.1 since the 2014-06-13 reads the following:
"The revocation law also vanishes in a servicecontract if the servicepartner has fullfilled his service 100% and/or had started his service after the user/contractpartner has bindingly declared to know that he will loose the right of revocation by accepting the services to be started, and to know that in advance."
Hereby i precautionary point out that by sending in your online-registration (for skype-lessons or Workshop) you declare that the services ordered by you should undoubtly and definately should start before the ending period of your revocation rights.
Further you bindingly declare to know that by my fullfilling of the contract-subject (skype-lessons/workshop) you will loose your right of revocation (acc. BGB). And the more you declare that you have read, understood and fully accepted this right of revocation, the terms & conditions (for skype-lessons or Workshop) and our Privacy Policy undoubtly.
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