In this intensive Weekend-Workshop the basic and play-techniques of Gypsyjazz Guitar are on focus. The presented issues are:
Day 1, Saturday 25.02.23
Comping, Jazz-Comping and La Pompe,
Jazz- and Jazz-Manouche Chords, Voicings"Anatole" & "Christopher" (2-5-1 und 3-6-2-5-1)
easy Minor-/Major-Scales, added 6th,
easy Major- and Minor-Arpeggios Part 1,
Pentatonics in Jazz, cadences and their use,
connecting scales and arpeggios
and their use in songs
FAQs & Answers,
Jam-Session with the Songs

Day 2, Sunday 26.02.23
Picking-Techniques (Arpeggio-Picking, Sweeping, Reststroke-Picking),
Arpeggios & Scales II
Tipps & tricks, ornaments and enclosures
Rhythm Swing Pompe, Swing-Valse, Gypsy-Bossa, Bolero
Extended Jazz-Chords, Minor 6st, 7th and 9th, Maj7, 6/9, Gypsystyle chords (Django-like)
Extended Scales (Harmonic minor, „Gypsy“-Minor, Major-Scale),
Arpeggios with added 6th, Major-/Minor-paralleles
How to build a solo - Part 2 • complex solostructures
FAQs & Answers, Jam-Session with the Songs

Workshop fee:: 240.-€ (incl. Workshopmaterial and free Softdrinks (coffee, tea, water, limo, coke)
More Infos
This offered Masterclass is an very intense weekend-workshop of twice 8 hours (1 hour break at noon). In this intense workshop all the important basics of the Gypsyjazz guitar playing is beeing explained and practised with lots of examples and tunes.
The masterclass is dedicated to advanced players with at least()! 5-6 years of experience. Basic knowledge of harmonics and Jazztheory is a plus, but not obliged. The course is NOT recommended for beginners of the guitar, as many play-techniques will be presented and practised in a fast manner, which assumes a good and safe experience on the guitar already. Real beginners of guitar may apply for a personal online-lesson with me here.

Printed course material will be given out at beginning of the masterclass. We will have 2 short breaks (of 15 min. in morning and afternoon), as well as a 1 hour break for lunch around noon time, which can be joined by all participants (no must to join in!).
At the end of each course day we will held a short FAQ round, where all participants may ask and get answered their open questions of the day. In the final we will have a short jam-session with all the tunes we practised over the day.
The masterclass starts at 10 a.m. in the morning on saturdays, 11 a.m. at sundays and last until aprox. 6 p.m. in the afternoon of each course day.

For those who come from outside Frankfurt, it is possible to rent some Hotelrooms for reasonable prices in the near sourrounding of the masterclass location. I kindly ask every participant to take care of their accommodation in advance themselfes. Here i collected a small selection of reasonable Hotels in the near sourrounding which you might checkout.
Hotel Klein (Bergen-Enkheim)
Hotel City Hotel (Bad Vilbel)
Hotel Ibis (Offenbach-Kaiserlei)
Hotel WeRooms (Karben)
Here is how you get to the workshop location. The adress is 60386 Frankfurt, Gewerbepark Cassellapark, Cassellastrasse, entrance Orberstrasse 30-32. Parking spaces are at the street all around the location.