Diese Dateien sind also ausschließlich zum Eigengebrauch gedacht. Weiterverbreitung, Kopien jeglicher Art (ausser zum pers. Gebrauch), kommerzielle Veräusserung oder Verbreitung sind ohne schriftliche Genehmigung des Autors strengstens untersagt (Copyright © GEMA 2022)
Due to some questions of interested guitarists here i present some free downloads of my tunes for easy learning and playing.
I always ask for the fair use and attetion on the copyrights!
These free downloadable files are strictly for private use. Any kind of distribution, copying (except for private use) or commercial use is strictly prohibited without the written permission of the author (Copyright © GEMA 2022).
Verfügbare (kostenlose Downloads) Leadsheets:
Available (free) downloads as Leadsheets:
(to download click on the link and choose "Safe as"...)
Weitere Songs werden in Zukunft folgen.
Für genaues Notenmaterial erwerbe bitte mein Songbuch in meinem Shop.
Some more Songs to come in the future.
For the corresponding exact sheet music, please consider buying my songbook in the shop area.