In music theory, scales are defined as „any set of musical notes ordered by fundamental frequency or pitch“ (Source: Wikipedia).
A scale ordered by increasing pitch is an "ascending scale", and a scale ordered by decreasing pitch is called „descending scale“. Some scales may contain different pitches when ascending than when descending.
Scales are something like the „musical base content“ or essence of any kind of music-style. Any chord, any kind of melody is defined by it wether if we talk about todays Pop-, Rock-, Jazz-, Dance-music, Classical-music or whatever kind of music-style...maybe just not within "Free-Jazz" ;-)
That said it is pretty clear why as a musician and especially as a (Gypsyjazz-)guitar-player it is very important to build up an intense knowledge about scales, thus to be able to understand and use it´s contents in any kind of musical situation. But how?
Here the new "JM-Scales-book" now comes in handy for learning all the nessesary infos on scales, especially the ones that are useful for "Jazz-Manouche" or Gypsyjazz".

The book will then finally end up with all kinds of more exotical-scales that nevertheless may also make sense of beeing used in (Gypsy-)Jazz, such as the general Gypsy-minor- or the spanish Gypsy-scale, the hungarian major and - minor-scale, the romanian minor-Scale as well as the pure oriental- scale or the wholetone-scale.

This eBook is available for Download right here for only 19,90€
Contents of the eBook:
- Natural major scale
- Natural pentatonic-major-scale
- „Bebop“-major-scale
Minor Scales
- natural minor-scale
- pentatonic-minor-scale
- „Blues“-scale
Altered variations of natural-scales
- harmonic minor-scale
- melodic minor-scale
- melodic minor-scale (ascending)
- melodic minor-scale (decending)
- melodic minor-“Bebop“-scale
- mixolydian-scale
- mixolydian-altered-(Bebop)-scale
- half-disminished-scale
- disminished-scale
- chromatic scales
Exotic and other variations of scales
- the „Gypsy“-major-scale
- the „Gypsy“-minor-scale
- hungarian major-scale
- hungarian-/persian-Gypsy-scale
- spanish „Gypsy“-scales
- romanian minor-scales
- oriental scale
- ultra-locrian-scale
- wholetone-scales

Get your copy today!