I am proud to present you my 2nd Solo-Album "Bertino - just guitar -" which has already been recorded in December 2021 in the Redlight-Studios of Stefan Varadopolus in Frankfurt/Germany and which finally now has been released.
Regrettably it took very(!) long to clear all rights. But now the album may be released as Cover-Versions.
Ten Songs, but this time no originals like on my first album "Rêve de Samois", but instead pure Cover-Versions of well known Jazz-tunes like "All the things you are" or classics like "Night and Day" are on this album. The songs on this Album represent parts of my Soloprogram with the same title: "Bertino - just guitar -. If you want to have a glimbse all of my (possible) tunes in the program, just take a look right here.
Here you may order the album as CD, USB-Stick or as well as mp3-download.
Get your CD today! or Download mp3 here