BUSATO Grand Modele, Mod.44, Bj. ca. 1942/43
This old Gypsyjazz Guitar has been built in the workshops of famous luthier Barnabe Busato, approximately around 1942/43. Busato-Guitars are besides the famous Selmer- and Favino-Guitars the most sought after Gypsyjazz Guitars (see also here)
To judge by the details of the guitar the tailpiece and the tuners have been changed. Apart from this the guitar remains in a rather original state (no new laquer or else). This guitar has been per-owned by Gypsy-Rhythm-Legend Titi Bamberger for some years.
Price: 10.500.-€ (or best offer) + shipping
Wanna hear it sound? Read on...
It seems to me that this guitar has been worked over at some parts (but looks like a long time ago already).The installed walnut replacement neck seems to have been changed long time ago, installed with an ebony fretboard.
Regrettably the guitar lost its inside label (as of many of these old instruments did), even though a part of glue is still visible in place...
The guitars actual frets are in good condition, the neck is absolutely straight and very well playable with a great 3.5mm action on 14th fret and a valuable height of 13.5mm at the bridge (see images below). As the original BB- or SB-tuners were missing as well, they have been replaced with some well made brass BB-replicas some time ago. The replaced tailpiece as well is of good brass quality.
Installed with 10" Argentines as needed on those old ladies it sounds like a breeze. All in all this guitar is a bomb when it comes to sound, if you know yourself how these Busato Grands sound like. Balanced barky mids with a good sense of bass and additional sparkling treble overtones on top of it. Just the real thing.
Serious offers will be discussed gladly. Everyone who knows what is a real Busato Grand Model knows also, that these dont sell for a couple of Euros. Redicolous offers ("i´ll give you 3000 for it...") will be erased without a comment.
This is how this old lady sounds:
The guitar may be tested and picked up at my place on negotiated dates. Within Germany i offer free shipping via DHL.
Payment SOLELY via downpayment with Paypal or in cash at pickup.
Send your serious offers to: jazzmanouche [ at ] freenet.de