"The REAL Gypsyjazz book" contains 330+ tunes starting off with Gypsy-traditionals, tunes from Sinti-composers like Django Reinhardt, Fapy Lafertin, Dorado Schmitt, Angelo DeBarre, Bireli Lagrene, Stochelo Rosenberg and many, many more, as well as most of the common "contemporary Jazz" tunes played in all (Gypsy-)Jamsessions and repertoires all over the world.
This book is the most comprehensive and detailed collection of (Gypsy-) Jazz-tunes available all put together into one book. It may become the ideal compagnion for any Jam-Session for any (Gypsyjazz-)player as well as for the student who is eager in learning new and exotic tunes rarely found anywhere else.
"The REAL Gypsyjazz book" is NOT compareable with the well known available "Jazz-Realbooks", as in these are mostly only anglo-american Jazztunes beeing featured. "The REAL Gypsyjazz Book" instead clearly focusses on the european, french and Sinti-composers, but contains Standard Jazztunes as well.
Price (Download-version eBook/pdf DIN A4): 24,90 €

Want to know more? Discover the huge contents of this book right here ... here you see just a small (!!!) assorted excerpt from more than 330+ songs of the contents of this eBook.
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